Configuring Bandwidth for Hysteria2 in v2rayN

To ensure optimal network performance and make the most of your available bandwidth, follow the instructions below:

Step 1: Open your v2rayN client.

Step 2: Click on Settings in the main interface, then select Option Setting.

Step 3: In the new window that appears, scroll down to find the section labeled Hysteria Max Bandwidth (Up/Dw).

Step 4: Adjust the bandwidth values based on your available network speed:

• If your bandwidth exceeds 500Mbps, set it to 500Mbps.
• If your bandwidth is less than 500Mbps, enter your actual bandwidth value.

Important: Entering values higher than your actual bandwidth will not improve your speed and may lead to unexpected issues. Our system limits bandwidth to 500Mbps, so settings beyond this value will not be applied.

Best practice: Turn off all proxy networks, test the optimal uplink and downlink network speed of the current device through the speed test website, and after multiple tests, select the appropriate value to modify the uplink and downlink speed. This is the best setting.

Follow these steps to ensure you are maximizing your connection speed within the set limits.

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